Generational Wealth For Super Women

Generational wealth is a dream each and every individual should be striving for, however, to achieve generational wealth, one has to understand what it is.
Essentially, generational wealth is the transfer of assets from one family generation to another. The types of assets include stocks, bonds, real estate and even family businesses.
SMSFs & Generational Wealth
No transfer of generational wealth is greater than that of Self Managed Super Funds.
SMSFs over the next 25 years are estimated to take part in the largest intergenerational transfer of wealth, with an astronomical $3.5 trillion expected to be transferred to future generations from current SMSF members.

The Superannuation Gap
One group in society that for years has been feeling the brunt of the superannuation is Women.
Women are already greatly impacted by the gender pay gap, which has been stuck between 13% and 19% for just over two decades.
Due to factors out of their control such as women taking greater time away from the workforce for maternity leave and taking care of children, as well as women living longer than men on average, these factors equate to women retiring with 24% less super than men.

The Solution
Women looking to make a difference, there is a solution, Supavest.
Supavest empowers women to take control of their retirement prospects through investments in newly constructed houses and land builds nationwide across Australia.
Our innovative property investment approach helps women secure their retirement future through high-yield property.
Whether you're considering SMSF property investment or exploring our fractional property investment option, SAFE Property, Supavest delivers personalised strategies to cater to all types of property investors.
Looking to begin your property investment journey and begin your generational wealth journey, get in touch with the team today!